to Infinity and Beyond...

Monday, June 30, 2008
Brynn continues her nightly trips to her galaxy in her dreams. Mommy and daddy still don't show up or I should say, are not allowed to visit her galaxy. It's just her and 'Joey' and occasionally some new-named friends come along. I don't know if we should be doing it, but we have played into it with her and we now wish her sweet dreams at her galaxy and ask to hear all about it. She is so cute telling us about her adventures there. She always twirls and flips her hair as she explains to us the happenings on her special little place. Just precious! other news....

Brynn had her dance recital on the 17th. It was absolutely adorable and all the kids did really well. I have to admit I did get a little teary eyed seeing her up there. I've been waiting to post more about it until we get back her pictures and DVD...but many of our posts this year have already revolved around the big event!!

We visited Matt's sister in IN for his niece's (Gina) high school graduation and brother-in-law's (John) 40th birthday celebration. Several other members of the family were in town too so it was really nice to visit with them. I hadn't seen most of them since last July, or even longer! Hopefully it won't be so long before the next visit. With expanding families, commitments to other things, alternating work schedules, and the soaring gas prices it's just getting harder to travel like we used to.

Matt's birthday is Wednesday. Happy Birthday Matt!

Next adventure, Disney World!!!! We leave July 4. Brynn is so excited to see Mickey. I am looking forward to seeing her reactions. I am actually going for a conference for work, ah-hem, at at Disney Resort :-) We couldn't resist taking the opportunity to make a family event out of it so we are going a couple of days early. It'll be Brynn's first plane ride and my first since 9/11. I am a little nervous, hopefully things will go smoothly.

Baby News - So far so good. I have 12 weeks (or less) to go! Sleep isn't so well and the pressure isn't so well, but all things considered I really am doing great. I am expanding quite nicely :-) Matt told me yesterday I looked like I was ready to go. Oh, if only I could be this size at delivery. I think this little guy might be a biggin'.

Until next time. Make it a great day!

Princess Brynn turns 3!

Monday, June 9, 2008
Brynn turned 3 on Friday. It's so hard to believe she is that 3 already! Her birthday celebration seemed to last a few days. The first of which was on Thursday night when we redid her room (Thanks Mark for the extra arm power!). She passed on her furniture to her little brother who is getting the old guest room. She got new bedroom furniture and we gave her the queen sized guest bed. She was so excited and absolutely loves it. We have a few finishing touches to do, but it turned out really cute. It was pretty sad though, packing up all of her baby bedding!

Sitting on her old bed for the last time.

Mommy reading her new book "Pinkalicious" in her new Princess gown the first night (Thanks Lisa for letting me know about this book!). She asked me to sleep with her that night. I told her I would come back in when I was ready for bed. She didn't realize until the morning that I really did come back in. When she woke up she had the biggest smile on her face. I said, "Good morning princess. You are 3 today!" She smiled and said, "I am 3 now, Mommy!" She'd been trying to say for several weeks that she was 3, but we kept saying in a few more weeks. She would always reply back, "I'll be 3 in June."

Brynn's beautiful new bed!

We have to read "Pinkalicious" at least twice a day! It's the new favorite.

On Saturday we had a birthday party with some family and then her little daycare and dance friends. It was hot, but a great day. The kids had a blast. Especially with Brynn's new sand and water table. We made the mistake of adding the water and not leaving just sand. Three year olds sure do know how to make a mess!

One of Brynn's dance pictures made for the cutest Princess Cake :-)

Brynn was tickled pink when we sang Happy Birthday to her.

Blowing out her Cinderella candle.

She received many special gifts. It is so much fun to see little kids open their presents. They are all still out and she goes down the line playing with them.

On Sunday we set-up the pool that we got her. She couldn't wait to get home from church to do it. Luckily we were able to play for awhile while it was filling up and all before that crazy storm swooped through! She loves playing in the water. One of her gifts was a ladybug sprinkler so she played with that for a little bit too a was full of giggles. I actually didn't get a shot of the pool, but it's there!

I love her hair in this shot. Matt was spraying her and she was trying to get away.

I pray we have many, many, many more birthday celebrations together.

Growing, Growing, Growing...

Monday, June 2, 2008
24 weeks.

Only 16 more to go!