Memorable Memorial Day

Monday, May 25, 2009
Whoohoo! A new post! It's been a couple of weeks and boy has it been a packed few weeks. A plethora of photos to share. Derek will be 8 months in a week and Brynn will be 4 in less than 2 weeks!! Stayed tuned to the end for video clips! Let's see here.....

Brynn finally learned how to ride her bike (with training wheels). We got the bike for her 3rd b-day last June but until 2 weeks ago she had no interest. Now we can't get keep her off of it.

Derek now has two bottom teeth and working on a top tooth!!!

Derek's hair has gone wavy! It can be tamed too minimally wavy if brushed straight right after his bath, but when wet it curls up. I think his hair has also lightened in color a little too.

Brynn finished her first year of preschool. The last day they had a picnic with their classmates and families. She was so excited to have Matt and I there and to tell us about her friends.
Maggie is her favorite preschool friend.

Brynn can now also blow her nose....I didn't think she'd ever learn!
No photos of this but a few other cute pictures of the kiddos.

This past Saturday we went to the zoo with some friends.
It was a great day and all the kids were awesome.

Today we walked to the park and had a picnic. Derek fell asleep and we laid him in the wagon and Brynn ended up peeing her pants right before we left.

Derek was sleeping so peacefully in the wagon. Slept all the way home too.

Munching on an apple slice. With his new teeth he wants food he can chew. He now eats Cheerios, small pieces of banana, apple, or ham and gnaws on a carrot. He's growing way too fast!

Return walk home from the park

Train ride at the Detroit Zoo

You can't go to church

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Brynn: You know why we can't go to church, Mommy/Daddy?
Us: Why?
Brynn: Because WE are the church! ... you can only go to a building

So fun! This has been a little ritual of hers the last few weeks when we are rushing around trying to get to church on time and saying a million times, Hurry up Brynn we gotta go to church.

Late Easter

Saturday, May 2, 2009
I am finally getting around to posting about Easter. It was a great weekend. We even got to visit with my grandparents and Uncle Terry. As usual, the girls had a blast together and couldn't play hard enough or long enough. I don't think we had been together since Christmas so they had a lot to catch up with! We had an Easter egg hunt the night before Easter and then the kids got their goodie baskets on Sunday. We still have candy coming out of everywhere at our house. We even have had to throw a little away here and there as discipline for naughty behavior. Hopefully we can all get together again soon!

Derek's blue eyes just melt my heart

I just love this shirt. I got it for him just for Easter. Had I known how stinkin'
cute he would look in a little button up shirt I would have gotten him one
long time ago! He seriously wore it 4 times the first week.
I kept washing it every other night.

Sweet cousins and friends

Big blue eyes and Big brown eyes

Sugar overload!

Aubree helping Brynn find the eggs