Is this our yard?! Part I (of III)

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Our yard has really taken on a transformation over the last couple of weeks. We have been working hard on making our yard look like a real yard. When we moved in the grass was in poor condition, weeds had taken over everywhere, trees were over grown, and other things were also not to our liking. The following summer we had pretty everything dug up and started over from scratch. The following fall we also had some trees removed and the others pruned back....yet almost 4 years later we still didn't have much to show for it and our yard looked pretty bare and pathetic. Here's pictures of the before the start of our transformation.

This is our yard when we bought the house 4 years ago...I will post soon with the 'during' stages pictures and then, of course, the after pictures.


Burcham Family said...

Looking forward to seeing the transition. We are kind of in the same place, but it's still pretty bare :)