I actually don't have any potty-training pictures to share, but this week we started the task of potty training Brynn. She has used her little potty off and on for the last few months. Of recent, she stopped liking the potty and really didn't want to come near it so we knew we were in for a treat. We chose this week because I am on vacation for the week and knew I'd have a concentrated effort into the event.
We started on Saturday and we had several accidents and some great successes. We even got a poo-poo which she got up, looked at it and said, "That's sauce." - we rolled with laughter (it was nasty!)!. Sunday, many accidents and some successes. Monday, mostly successes in the morning and digressed after naptime. Tuesday, the thought came to mind should we give up already?! She doesn't really tell you that she has to go, she either just goes or gives a half-second warning grab to the crotch. She also doesn't want to pull her panties down herself yet. You ask her a million times a day, "Do you need to go potty? Do you need to go pee-pee? Do you need to go poo-poo?", over and over. Usually if she gives you an eye roll that meant she needed to go even though she adamantly would say, "No!"
Actually, after three accidents within a half hour in the morning on Tuesday, things improved throughout the day. She has a stash of books and toys that are surrounding her little potty. She also has to bring a blankie with her to sit next to her while she goes. She gets super excited when she does go and squeals with excitement and is eager to tell you that, "I did it mommy!", or "I did it daddy!", or "Lookie, I did it!". Stickers and M&M's have been the highlight as well. She also enjoys the routine of dumping it into the big potty, wiping, flushing, moving the stool to wash her hands, and then moving it back.
Wednesday was a great potty day with no accidents! Woohoo! There were only two what I call "pre-dribbles" where she knew she needed to go and a little dribble came out, but we made it to the potty where she really went pee-pee. We also started to put the potty lid onto the big toilet to see how that would go, especially with using public restrooms she needed to learn to use the big potty. She was a little resistant, but she actually went poo-poo!(She was trying to look down and watch it come out and called it a "Turtle"!!) Since then, she doesn't even want to use the little potty - the lid has to go on the big potty and have her little stool in front of it. We finally even braved leaving the house other than to go outside and play. I needed to go by the college and drop something off and then we went to Meijer to grab a few things. We had taken the potty with us and Brynn went potty at the college and then before we left Meijer. She was so good yesterday!
Overall, the experience hasn't been all that bad. She has even been staying dry during nap time and is learning that we go sit on the potty when we wake up. It seems that in the mornings she can go every 15-30 minutes! I don't know if it's because of sleeping for so long at night and then drinking a lot in the morning and she's got to get it all out or what, but sheesh! I think part of it is also that she gets so excited when she goes that she pops up to look at it before she's completely done.
I pray that rest of the week goes well and that she will transition well to going potty while at Ms. Wanda's during the day!
2 weeks ago
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