Christmas Fun!

Friday, December 28, 2007
Here are more pics for the family! We had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Brynn was excited that Santa Claus ate her cookies and water (she insisted he only wanted water). She opened her presents so slowly and wanted to play with each one before moving on. She also wouldn't open the next present until each piece of the wrapping and tape was put in the trash bag. Makes me proud; a (clean) girl after my own heart :-)

More on me than on the cookies!

Mmmm, too yummy not to eat now!

It's not ALL fun and games in the
Miller household! She was upset I
had cut off the cookie eating.

Great bed-head. Wish I could fair so well.
Notice - no pics of us :-)

Stocking stuffer time

Sitting with my loot

We hope that everyone had a great Christmas and
then blessings for a Happy New Year!


Nicole said...

oh come on guys live a little... post some pics of yourselves on Christmas morning!!!! Your hair can not be THAT bad!!!

As for Brynne, Seriously...she is sooo cute! That pic of her crying with the icing around her mouth needs to be sent in to some parenting magazine that does contests (she would win hands down for best christmas overload photo)

Looks like you all had a blast (well, Brynne anyway.)