Survey Says.......

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's a BOY!!!! Our ultrasound went well this morning and the technician thought everything looked good. We are very excited about having a boy, especially Matt. I know it's it's everyone's dream to have a child of their own sex, so now we'll have both! Brynn was there too. I am not sure how much she actually understands but we were glad she could see the pictures with us.

Here are the ultrasound pictures



Nose pickin' already!

Ms Wanda was so nice, she brought Brynn and the other little girls she watches up to my office and brought me a little gift to celebrate. I asked Brynn what the cookie said when they came in and her reply was, "I-love-you-mommy!". That was just as special as what it actually said. Thank you Wanda!!

As promised, a picture of me (at 19 weeks). Big I know, I tried my best to crop out the ever-expanding behind. :-) Ah well, not everyone is blessed with keeping that little cute figure while pregnant. I am my own worst critic!

Please continue praying for us.


Anonymous said...

A Boy!!!!! I remember Pete doing a " it's a boy " happy dance with Noah, a self congratulations!!
Wow you look great, pregnancy looks well on you.
Have fun going blue!!!

Burcham Family said...

Congratulations!! How exciting. Kara - you look great!

Nicole said...

WOW! VERY COOL! You look so beautiful Kara... but yes, we are always our own worse critic... Guess you need to start buying some of those "Im a Big sister" books.. they are actually quite handy and help kids understand a little better what in the world is going on. Keep posting and postic pics...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! A little boy, how exciting!!! Hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well for you. You're in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! We are in need of some more little boys. (: I am so excited for you all.

Sean Stockman said...

Congrats guys! Definitely need more boys around! Nice work.

Shannon said...

Congrats! How exciting!!!!

Anonymous said...

We are excited for you guys and happy to see that our little part of the world is being populated with more sweet boys!

The Jones'

Nicole said...

Belly pics = more blog comments

Start up loading the photos...

miss you guys!

Nicole said...

In response to your comment:

Of course Brynn wants a pink pool!! Girls want pink EVERYTHING! Something you will thoroughly enjoy about having a boy is that they just don't care! Lillie wants the pink fork, the pink toothbrush the princess icecream (aka:strawberry), the pink blanket.. the list goes on.. Parker seriously could care less the color of anything... as long as it works, it's good.. Typical guy.

hope everyone is healthy at your house!

Lisa said...


We reccomend the book Pinkalicious.
Lauren is also pink obsessed

Anonymous said...

Hey Millers,
Thanks to Mark Johnson, I got your link on his blog. You have quite a family with the new one coming. Congrats. What a blessing. Judy and I have 10 grandchildren now and I think that will be all. Dortheta, my mom-in-law is doing well. She still remembers you. Many blessings to you and your family. Ed and Judy Miller