Derek Matthew was born Wednesday, October 1, at 7:45 am at a generous 9 lbs 13ozs, 21 in long.
I'd been having contractions for over a week but everytime I thought they were at the point of needing to call the dr they would taper off. Tuesday was very similar, had consistent contractions for a few hours and then they'd stop. I tried to go to bed around 11pm but my mind was racing about the pending induction on Thurs, etc and eventually drifted off to sleep and woke up with contractions a little after 1 am. This was pretty common but for some reason I felt the need to get up, stare at the clock, and track them. They were every 5 minutes apart for an hour, but not very painful. I decided to take a shower and then see if I still had them afterwards. I did, so I called the dr at 2:30 and he said to go on in.
We got there around 3:30am and after being checked out and monitored they admitted me around 4:40am. I was dilated to a 4 and having contractions on a 5 min, 4 min, 3 min pattern, but they were still not painful. I got moved over and the dr came in around 5:45 and broke my water. Not too long after the painful contractions started in and I asked for the epidural. They came to put that in and I had a lovely embarrassing moment which I won't share here! The epidural only waved off contractions for about half an hour and then it was like I didn't even have it. I started saying HELP! PAIN! The anesthesiologist came back to increase my epidural and it didn't do a single thing. I remember seeing it was 7:08 when the nurse came to check me before the shift change and she said I was dilated to 6 and told the new nurse.
By 7:15 I was really begging for pain relief and said I was feeling pressure. The new nurse hadn't checked me herself (she thought I was still at a 6 from 10 minutes previous), but because of my delirium paged the dr to come right away. He tells her to check me and I was at a 10! He quickly comes in and talks to me and says he'll be back in 5 minutes. He leaves and my contractions were so intense and painful. The nurse was like you are fine just take deep breaths and I was like NO I CAN"T, I NEED TO PUSH! She was like don't push just deep breaths and frantically pages the dr again.
And like a scene from a movie, he runs in and sheds his white coat, throws on the scrubs, they tear away the bottom of the bed, and 4 hard core contractions later he is out! It was less than 10 minutes from when I started pushing but it felt like slow motion. I also won't give details here on how I acted like a delirious crazy woman during those agonizing 10 minutes :)
Holding Derek for the first time
Um yeah, the not so nice facial effects of using every ounce of energy to push out a baby that fast. But compared to 2 and half hours with Brynn, every broken blood vessel was well worth it!
I love his chubby cheeks!! He is beautiful. Way to go on a super fast labor and delivery. I pushed 10 minutes with Annie and broke blood vessels too! But isn't it so much better going fast?!? So glad you all are doing well. Congratulations!!
What a handsome little guy!!! I am so happy for you all. Glad to hear that you are well & at home.. God's blessings on you!!
ps... I love Brynn's shirt!!!!
Congratulations, Miller Family! He is a beautiful baby boy! Those cheeks are the best! We are so happy for you and look forward to meeting your handsome little baby!
Congrats guys! Kara-- isnt it just unbelievable how quickly #2 comes? You look great in the pics... and little Derek is quite the little man! Hope things are going well as you adjust to your new family of FOUR!
Great pictures. He really is beautiful. Glad it didn't take as long this time. Looking foreward to seeing you guys soon. Give him a kiss for me.
Grandpa Miller
Yay... I've been faithfully checking your blog waiting for this post! :) Kara, you look pretty great in ALL these pictures... way to go! Congratulations so very much. He is beautiful!
SOOOO cute... we're glad Derek has arrived! Can't wait to hear how Brynn does and all the fun stories you will have to share...
much love and abundant blessings...
Congratulations!!!! So glad he's finally here! Brynn looks soooo cute and happy, bet she's mama's big helper these days! Hope everything's going well at home...we can't wait to meet him!
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