Beautiful Day!

Saturday, March 24, 2007
It turned out to be such a beautiful day today!
We live close to a park and a Wendy's so we walked to Wendy's,
got some food, took it to the park and ate,
and then played on the playground. We had a fun time!

Brynn really enjoyed drinking her milk out of a straw.

The slide is so much fun!

Having more fun on the swings!

Mommy and Brynn going down the slide together.

This was Brynn running away to go the other playground equipment.
On the way she got into another little kids wagon. Matt said that's
not yours Brynn and the mom said it's ok, but for some reason
that made Brynn scared and she ran back to daddy.

We look forward to more great weather and many more
days playing outside!


Nicole said...

Hi you guys!!! I saw a link to your blog from Elliot and Shannon's and I just HAD to come and visit... Brynne is beautiful!!! Sounds like you guys are doing well...
Nicole, Trevis and kiddos

Shannon said...

Yeah! You got a blog! Glad to read the updates! Looking forward to more. =)