Trashy Dog

Sunday, May 6, 2007
Annie has been relentless lately with the trash! It's about time to trade her in for a better model. Seriously, this little dog has knocked over the main trash can I don't know how many times recently. We expect her to rummage through the bedroom cans if we forget to close the door before we leave, but jeez - coming home to this is not the welcome home present I enjoy.....Maybe she needs a new home, any takers? ( I am just kidding, MOM!)

Ok, ok! After looking back at the picture from when we first brought her home; I couldn't give her up. She has given us so many great and funny memories despite the few bad ones. (Anyone remember the spoiled beef tip story? that one still makes me shudder.) I hope you all have pets as ornery as Annie. It keeps life interesting that's for sure.


Burcham Family said...

Ahhh, I remember the days of life with a dog! I miss having my dogs but I definitely don't miss cleaning up trash (especially when it was the bathroom trash - yuck!) or scooping dog poo. But you are right, she is such a cute dog!!