Some Catch Up

Thursday, March 8, 2007
Here are some more photos of us (well, mostly of Brynn) to catch everyone up to this point. Hope you enjoy them!

Mia, Aubree, Brynn and Annie at X-mas in a Pop-up Dora House. It was a great time.

Brynn, Dylan, Kathleen, Dale - good friends from small group. This was during the Superbowl. Brynn just loves to color!

Aren't I so stylish in my sunglasses? I call them my glasses. Mommy had to wear sunglasses around the house after she had LASEK and I had to as well!

Brynn and Daddy don't have huge smiles on their faces, but they are still pretty special.

Gotta love those red, rosy cheeks. Irresitible!

Brynn loves to stack her blocks, then say "Achoo" to knock them over. Then she says "Again!" and we do it all over, again.

My hair flips and smile just melt the worst of moods.

Mommy and Brynn...she just wouldn't look at the camera. Oh well, next time maybe.

Even more than coloring, Brynn loves to be outside and never wants to go in. Too bad mommy's allergies can't handle it for too long.

This is Brynn eating "Dettos" as she calls them, one of her favorite snacks. It's so cute to hear her say dettos instead of Gardettos.

Well, check back soon and hopefully I will have posted something new. Have a blessed week!


Ash, Kel n Ella said...

Hey Miller Family! Nice to find you out there in the blogging world. (Found you on Shan and El's site) I loved looking at the cute pictures of Brynn and reading your stories about her. She is so stickin cute!

Take Care!