Hey all, I am still out here! I obviously have not been keeping up with our blog. I feel like I never have time for it anymore. I don't even keep up with the blog reading and making comments on other's posts either. Also, since I have got my new phone in December I don't even log into Facebook anymore. I just generally look at status updates once a day, occassionally making a comment and looking at a few photos. I've been seeing updates about how they don't like the look of the new FB layout and settings - but don't really have a clue what they are talking about yet.
I work fulltime (and occassionally and then some)and have two small children. We are active in our church and within a small group. I am often overwhelmed with the responsibility. Recently, I have really been convicted on making a change in my life. A change to become a stronger Christian. I feel like I have been talking about wanting that for years, but haven't really done anything to make that happen. Those who know me well, know that TV is my drug of choice or my poison, if you will. I have been a TV addict for as long as I can remember. I have always enjoyed different programs and investing into the characters.
I have ALWAYS known that I should watch less TV and spend more time reading my Bible, being a servant and friend to others, etc. You could go on and on why watching less TV is a great choice. Being with our current small group and helping a friend through her life crisis, my heart has been stirring. How in the world could I possibly be the Christian and spiritual person, wife, and mother that I want to be when I watch so much TV?!
It seems like the DVR is always taping something. In the past I have justified the amount being taped was OK, because I could fast forward thru slow parts and commercials and an hour show could now only be 35-45 minutes now. Of course I knew that just meant that I could tape more shows to watch. On Thursday, I made the decision to cut out half of the shows I watch. I am praying that it won't be that hard to adjust, yet find it sad and embarassing that I might miss these shows. Satan has been doing an awesome job.
I have been thinking in my head about which shows I will cut out and how many shows I even watch but realized I needed to put that all in writing. I am more of a visual person as opposed to spatial. I have 28, yes 28, shows that I DVR. I may have even forgotten a few :( Of course, not all of them are on in the same season, but probably 20 or so are at the same time or overlap slightly. Granted there are a few that I crossed off that were a better choice to keep watching than what I chose to keep. I am going to list it all below as my public confession. The BOLDED shows are the ones I am giving up, some will be easier than others. I have already gone thru the DVR settings and cancelled some.
19 Kids & Counting
American Idol
Biggest Loser
Modern Family - my new favorite show
Community - also a new fave
Grey's Anatomy
Glee - another new favorite - is set in my hometown of Lima, OH
America's Funniest Videos - this has become a family favorite. I love watching Brynn watching this - her laugh is contagious.
Amazing Race
House - I have really enjoyed House
Jon & Kate Plus 8 - ended anyways, but just heard there were talks of it coming back
Little People Big World
America's Best Dance Crew - no brainer, not sure why I bothered watching anyways
CSI:NY - one I have watched since it's very beginning
The Office - an old fave I will miss
Private Practice - show has gone crazy
Secret Life of an American Teeanger - embarrased to admit this one!
Numbers - ahh, watched this show from day one, i've loved it, and Larry just came back!
Big Brother - smutty show, started not watching as much last summer
So You Think Can Dance
Extreme Home Makeover
Saturday Night Live - usually only watched a few regular skits and some of the singers.
For the shows I have cut out, I am not saying at some point I will never see another episode. I am saying that it will no longer be DVR'd. I will not follow it each week and season, or look forward to it. I do have a few other shows that I don't have it set to tape new episodes but I do enjoy watching them when I get the chance. I may still do so, but be more conscious of how much time I am spending watching them. This includes: Clean House, What Not to Wear, How Do I Look?, Hoarders - I generally watch these shows right before bed or when I need to work after the kids are in bed, these will be on in the background.
Please pray for me, pray for wisdom, pray for a more servant heart, pray for the Holy Spirit to be with me when I read my Bible and for understanding of God's teachings. Thank you friends.
...by the way. The kids are well and keep us entertained. Brynn acts so grown up and does well in her Pre-K class. Derek is growing like a weed and is getting more and more verbal. I do have a few photos from the holidays that I haven't gotten around to posting. Our camera was broken for about 6 or 7 weeks, but we just got it fixed. Whoohoo!
4 weeks ago