Derek can walk :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Yes, Derek can walk!! I wouldn't say he is a walker yet, but he's walking small distances and then taking a nice tumble. It is so cute!! Until I can get a video posted, here is just a cute picture with him and his fireman hat.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009
It's been so long since I've posted a blog I have to break through all the cobwebs ... LOL. I don't even know where to start on the catch-up or what pictures to share.

Derek is getting more personality and it's so adorable to watch him grow. He's almost one year old already! So insane! He's getting more teeth on the bottom, taking their sweet time but definitley there. He's been crawling for awhile now and is quite fast. He is also cruisin along the furniture very well. We can get him to briefly balance himself unaided, but he quickly sit's down or grabs on to something. His laughs are still irresistable. He had his first haircut at 10 months!! He jib-jabs all day, a handful of words you can even understand.

Brynn started preK today. She has a big class with many of the same kids from last year and then many new ones. She was so excited and can't wait to go back on Friday. She's a super big helper for Derek and Mia (our wonderful nanny is back with her baby). She loves playing her games on the computer - She participated in the church musical about a month ago. Her age group were little bugs. She really had a great time.

These photos actually occur in reverse order, the top is the most current down to the oldest. I didn't feel like taking the time to reorder them.

Derek decided to sneak away and check out the toilet.

I didn't think the toilet resembled anything close to being a fun toy. Yuck! Yes, we immediately washed his hands really well.

Brynn got her hair cut, a little shorter than normal,but oh so, so cute!
Can't really tell from before, but his hair was way down in his eyes when not wet, it's still super curly but now it's not down in his eyes.
Curls, curls, curls
I love bugs, hairy, scary bugs ....
Brynn, first night of the musical.

The Millers!

Derek loving the swings.

We went on a vacation/reunion to Gatlinburg. It was so much fun.

Dirt is one of the best children's toys :)

Playing outside, both kids LOVE being outside.

Brynn climbed in with Derek when he woke up from a nap.

He is so cute when he sleeps. Obvious, he likes sleeping on his side. He LOVES his little blankies and like to tuck them under his chin and snuggle.
Princess Brynn
When he was finally learning to hold is own bottle, a pro at it now. Also does really well with a sippy cup and a straw.
Until next time ....

9 months

Monday, July 13, 2009
Derek is over 9 months old now. We just took him in for his check up. He is 21 lbs 13oz and 30.5 inches long (75% and 90+%) He is still not crawling but I think he will be in the next two weeks. He is very mobile even though he can't crawl. He rolls, turns, and scoots to what he has his eyes set on. You can tell he is understanding more and more words and expressions. He likes to hold his own bottle now. He can clap when you ask him to or shake, shake them around. He has quite the personality and loves to make you laugh. He has the greatest giggles and belly laughs.

Room Service

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
This happened two weekends ago but life has been crazy with work, having fun, computer was crashed for several days, crazy storm that took out power and a tree out. Life is still busy but I wanted to share a quick Brynn moment.

We were taking our afternoon nap. She woke up and tried to wake us up but we were pretty much dead to the wind. I heard her playing with things and going in and out of our room. Finally, after and hour of this we woke up. Matt turned to get out of bed and started laughing....

She had created us "breakfast in bed", as she called it. Pizza and hamburger meat for breakfast, yum! Ha ha! What a sweet girl!

Sweet things

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Derek is 8 1/2 months, has 4 teeth (edit 6/20/09, he actually has 6 now!!!), eating more and more chewable food, can clap his hands, and reaches out for you to he held.

No peeing on the mantle

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We made a mistake of letting Brynn eat a bunch of watermelon before bedtime. We had planned on waking her up to go potty again before we went to forward an hour....

Brynn stumbles sleepy-eyed out of her room and into the living room. She pulls down her pants and sits on the mantle as if it's the toilet!!!!

Matt was like, No, No, No! That's not the potty! Come on lets hurry to the bathroom. She holds herself and waddles to the bathroom just in time. Whew!

She's already back asleep and probably won't even remember in the morning that she thought the mantle was the toilet. She's a funny girl!

Soccer Boom

in the car on the way home....

Brynn: (a big gasp) Someone left that soccer ball out.
Me: Mmhmmm
Brynn: Now the thunder is gonna come down and BOOM it!
Me: (chuckles)
Brynn: Seriously, it's gonna boom it right up.

Princess Brynn turns FOUR!

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Brynn turned 4 today. She had much excitement and anticipation leading up to today ... and she wasn't let down. She truly enjoyed her party at the park and we didn't have meltdowns or any pee-pants. Whoohoo! Although not everyone we wanted to be there could attend we had a really great turnout of family and friends. A party at the park is a great idea ... no dirty house to clean up afterwards and lots of space for the kids to play. Getting everything there wasn't the most exciting thing, but well worth it.

It was just slightly interesting. Our party was from 10-noon and we didn't rent the pavilion (not paying $200!). We were taking our chances it wasn't booked. There ended up being someone who rented it from 12-6 and they showed up at 11:50 and wanted to boot us out of there so fast. We were done eating and had just finished our cake and ice cream so we graciously moved to the grass area under some trees to do the pinata and open presents. It actually turned out to be more fun like that!

Enjoy some photos.

In the morning, the birthday countdown ends. Brynn is 4!

Silly smirk from Derek who now by the way has 3 teeth!

The best nanny ever! ... her first child will be here soon, July 11.
We are very excited to meet Mia!!

Makes me nauseous just thinking about this photo and the spinning :)

Princess Cake (one of her only two requests for her party)

Great photo and yummy cake.

Cool Princess Castle pinata (the second of her only b-day party requests). No bats involved. Each kids takes a turn pulling a ribbon and the lucky one pulls the one that makes the bottom open and the goodies fall out.

Opening presents under the tree.

I am 4!

Blessed with so many gifts!!!

I cannot imagine life without Brynn. She somehow makes me laugh everyday and her laugh is so contagious. It's crazy to think how much she has grown in so many ways throughout this last year. Even though some of her behavior lately has been incredibly challenging I pray that I never forget that God gave her to us, how special she is, and that each day with her is an awesome gift. Mommy and Daddy love you soooo much Brynn!

Memorable Memorial Day

Monday, May 25, 2009
Whoohoo! A new post! It's been a couple of weeks and boy has it been a packed few weeks. A plethora of photos to share. Derek will be 8 months in a week and Brynn will be 4 in less than 2 weeks!! Stayed tuned to the end for video clips! Let's see here.....

Brynn finally learned how to ride her bike (with training wheels). We got the bike for her 3rd b-day last June but until 2 weeks ago she had no interest. Now we can't get keep her off of it.

Derek now has two bottom teeth and working on a top tooth!!!

Derek's hair has gone wavy! It can be tamed too minimally wavy if brushed straight right after his bath, but when wet it curls up. I think his hair has also lightened in color a little too.

Brynn finished her first year of preschool. The last day they had a picnic with their classmates and families. She was so excited to have Matt and I there and to tell us about her friends.
Maggie is her favorite preschool friend.

Brynn can now also blow her nose....I didn't think she'd ever learn!
No photos of this but a few other cute pictures of the kiddos.

This past Saturday we went to the zoo with some friends.
It was a great day and all the kids were awesome.

Today we walked to the park and had a picnic. Derek fell asleep and we laid him in the wagon and Brynn ended up peeing her pants right before we left.

Derek was sleeping so peacefully in the wagon. Slept all the way home too.

Munching on an apple slice. With his new teeth he wants food he can chew. He now eats Cheerios, small pieces of banana, apple, or ham and gnaws on a carrot. He's growing way too fast!

Return walk home from the park

Train ride at the Detroit Zoo