Induction on Thursday

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Well, to make sure everyone is caught up to date - I am scheduled to be induced Thursday morning, October 2! I never really thought I'd be having an October baby. I figured even if I was a few days late it would still fall in September.

My dr appt yesterday took awhile and I almost got them to send me in from there but no luck. The dr did strip my membranes - ouch! - and it has sparked much more intense contractions. But as usual it's that whole not having them every 5 minutes for an hour thing to be in 'real' labor. They also monitored me for 20 minutes checking the heartbeat and contractions. One of the dr.'s came in and said that we wasn't very perky so they might just send me in afterall. She moved the probes and had me change positions. Well, he started having a party and when the other dr came back in he was like oh, he's doing great, see you Thursday!

Well, I guess there is a slim chance that I could go into labor or my water break between now and midnight, but signs point to Thursday. Luckily I am dilated enough that I don't have to go into the hospital the night before to be 'loosened' up. I can just show up Thursday morning and get started with the Pitocen (sp?).

Thank you so much everyone for your thoughts, prayers, well wishes, offers of help, etc.!!! It so great knowing we have family and friends to count on. Please continue praying these next few days for us and for a safe and healthy delivery! Finally, almost there! I am praying the next post will be our baby announcement :)

Passing the time

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Today has been a nice, breezy day. We played outside for awhile and then took Brynn (and Annie) on a wagon ride in her new wagon. Brynn was so excited and enjoyed every minute of it.

And in case you wonder what one looks like at 40 weeks plus 2 you go!

You'd think if he was any lower, he'd fall right out!

Boo hoooo!!!! I thought for sure I'd be on the way to the hospital.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Well, sad news for me - no baby today (at least not yet anyways, there is a small amount of hope). I guess it's great that he's doing so well inside, but I am SO ready for him to be outside! I've been really uncomfortable all week and everytime I thought this might be it, the contractions stop. I am still only dilated to a 3, which I found a shock after all of the contractions I've been having. The dr last week didn't think I'd make it today and the dr I saw today thought maybe in the next 12-24 hours but obviously they really have no idea! I have another appt set-up for Monday. If I haven't gone into labor by that appt they will set-up when I will be induced. Thanks!

Is he going to dig a hole?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This was too funny not to share. This morning when I was carrying Brynn to the car - in an effort to actually get her there faster - when I got her into her seat I was out of breath and gave a big sigh. As I was buckling her up I said to her, "Soon Brynn! Soon! Your brother is going to come out of my belly soon!" (I hope!)

Her reply was, "Is he going to dig a hole out of your shirt?"

I laughed and said, "No, not quite like that, but he will come out of my belly." I quickly shut the door and thank goodness she didn't say anything else about it.

and waiting...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
...many intense contractions, but they are sporadic and not consistent. I've spent 3 hours over the last 2 days pulling weeds that I've haven't touched all summer and still nothing other than more aches :-) I go back to the dr on Thurs, my due date.

Still waiting...

Friday, September 19, 2008
I am dilated to a 3 and 50% effaced...maybe this weekend still? Still officially 6 days to go, but the dr. didn't seem to think I'd make it another week. We'll see! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, September 11, 2008
Well, I just couldn't let Brynn's friends start preschool and not her too! We decided Monday night to send her to the RC Preschool. She started Wednesday morning. She really liked it and had no problems with me leaving her. I am sure it helped that I've been dropping her off to play with other kids for 3 years now and she's familiar with the church building! I know this will be a really enjoyable experience for her.

In baby news...about 13 days to go. So far nothing laborific is 'going on down there'. :) Just anxiously awaiting for the big day!

Big Momma's in the House!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
ok Facebook/Blog Stalkers, this post is for you! :-)

Well, I continue to get bigger as the days go. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure now that it's not all baby weight being added to my belly (butt, thighs, hips). Too bad I couldn't get a two for one deal and have a tummy-tuck at the same time :-) I am sure lots of moms would love this deal!

With my ultrasound today, our little champ is up to 8lbs...less than a pound more than 2 weeks ago (7.6). I was surprised they didn't say at least 8.5 or more, but this is good news (just gets me back to the big belly not being all baby belly). His thigh bone took up the whole length on the ultrasound screen so maybe he'll be long. Everything else looks great and he's quite active. He's still as I say, locked and loaded and ready for delivery. Just counting down the days...