The parents don't get to stay in the room so I am not sure exactly what she did but she was all smiles and said she had fun and that she wanted to go back next week. She didn't quite want to take her outfit off when we got home. We are definitely looking forward to going back again!
4 weeks ago
Emerson had a blast. Thanks for thinking of her!!! Hopefully we can get in there and get some pix of them in action!
That is so great! I can't wait to do things like this with Brooke. Just wait until the dance recital - those are hilarious!
They are too cute all decked out in their ballerina outfits! Dance class!!! Now you know they are really growing up!
And thanks again Kara for the invite last night, Manuel and I felt so welcomed and really appreciated it a lot. Bella had such a blast, she talked about it the whole way home and can't wait to do it again!
Okay, Im laughing at how stinkin' tall our little Emerson is... you would never know how close in age the 3 of them are. We are already looking forward to Saturday again! Again, thanks for including us in this, Kara! -Tessa
Okay, we need a blog update on this dance class. Have parents been allowed in yet? Has Brynn taken off her outfit yet? I am contemplating signing Lillie up for the Spring but I need to know if a 2 1/2 -3 year old can really take a dance class and get anything out of it!?!?!
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