I feel like I am posting a ton and I am sure I eventually won't post every week, but for our families that read and want to keep updated this is for you. Derek is 5 weeks old and I took him for his 1 month check up yesterday. He is 11lbs 8 ozs (90th%) and 23 inches (75th%). (Surprising enough I looked at Brynn's records and she was at the dr at about 5 weeks as well and weighed 11lbs 5 ozs and 23 inches too!) He is eating, sleeping, and doing well. He is really starting to coo, smile, and laugh and it is so darn cute. He wiggles his arms and legs a lot too. I love when he moves his arms like Ralph Macchio from The Karate Kid, "Wax On, Wax Off"! Some days his sleeping is better during the daytime than the nighttime but I am only getting up once during the night for a feeding so I can't complain! We are looking forward to the upcoming holidays so we can visit with family...just not looking forward to the actual traveling and how to fit seeing everyone in a short amount of time! Unfortunately Matt doesn't have as many days off as I do so it will be a challenge for sure.
4 weeks ago
get the sissy jewelery off of him :)
What a handsome little man! I'm sure that won't be the last time Brynn puts girly accessories on him. (:
Tell Brynn that we can send a M2M tutu for that necklace!!! so cute!!! happy five weeks!!
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