
Thursday, December 4, 2008
We have so many things to be thankful for this year. Two great kids, loving families, a house, jobs, a wonderful nanny, and on and on.

We did a lot of traveling during Thanksgiving and both Brynn and Derek were super troopers. It was nice to be able to see both sides of the family. Brynn just adores playing with her cousins Aubree and Mia, they'd play 24/7 if they could!

We are looking forward to Christmastime. Brynn is into more than ever and I don't know where she learned so much about it! Everyday she asks if there are gifts in her stocking.

Derek has been doing really good and getting so big!
He's happy and smiling and laughing most of the time.

Our beautiful Brynn

Her favorite cousins at Great Grandma and Papa's house

Derek's first time in the hot-tub. He was a little unsure about it.

Our nanny, Lenny, sent this to me while I was at work. Of course it made my day!! Brynn couldn't wait for it to snow enough to actually play with it.


Anonymous said...

How cute! Bella is jealous of Brynn's snowman, we've all been too sick to get out in it yet. And Derek looks like he's just coming alive... love those faces!

Nicole said...

Man, your kiddos are cute, cute cute!!!!! LOVE the first two pics.. Derek look sooo happy and Brynn is just glowing!!! Glad life is good int eh Miller house and everyone is adjusting!!!

Nicole said...
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