February 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Miller's are well. Matt and Brynn both had separate bouts with the flu and Brynn had a nasty ear infection but have recovered. The days and nights have been just going by so fast that they all run together. I am thoroughly exhausted each day. Derek was 19 weeks yesterday and he had his 4-month check-up. He is 17lbs 15 oz, 27.5in long!! He is still 90% on weight, 97% on height, and 75% for head circumference. He's a pro now with the rice cereal and is starting to eat oatmeal. We even tried prunes and pears with him the last two days. Just in the last day or two he seems to want food more than the formula. At church last night he seemed very upset that I only had the bottle to offer him and not cereal. He kept opening his mouth like he was waiting for a spoon and kept screaming when it wasn't there. He can even roll over now. He's not doing it all the time but he gets excited when he does do it.

Brynn reading a night-time story to Derek. They are so cute together!

Annie always like to give Derek a little kiss.


Burcham Family said...

I can't believe how much hair he has! What a handsome boy! Hope you all are feeling better real soon.